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Writer:  linda laroche linda laroche

I’ve been reflecting lately on how much stuff I own. From my experience, I know things don’t define me and that all of us can make do with much less than we think.  Cleaning out the garage and purging a lot of I'm going to focus my attention, on not acquiring stuff and that way I don't get caught in a control snarl and wounds that happened in this place called the past, but rather on managing my soul so I don’t repeat these mistakes. Moving to a larger home and filling it with things I believed I needed was easy. Now with a reversal, it’s time to purge.

In the last few weeks, I’ve had my first garage sale, and have had to borrow a truck three times to drop off furniture at a charity shop. I’ve taken countless boxes to a used book store and many more boxes to the Salvation Army and just this morning a Veteran’s organization carted away eight boxes and three large bags. I’ve also driven to a cardboard recycling venue to drop off boxes twice and there’s still more to do.

I don’t want to be gifted anything for my home.  There’s no need and no space.  The sad truth is most of the stuff that was given away was in excellent shape and reflects my expensive taste. But will someone else appreciate it?  Who knows? Once you give something away it’s none of your business.   

So with that, I stay in my consciousness and stay in the present time, and live by higher truths.

There’s a law of balance, and I choose to stay in balance, and I live my life so that I can sense when I make a choice that throws me off balance. I become conscious of the mystical laws because those are the laws that determine how my physical world is.

This journey of life we all have to take, and determines whether or not you’re strong enough to give up that part of you that participates in illusion, and the permission illusion gives you to use people, or to even use your wounds.

I believe that every person’s life is a journey of empowerment. And this journey is not an easy one. We have to learn and re-learn our life lessons constantly. But few truths are as profound and life-changing as realizing how powerful every one of your choices are, even – if not especially – the silent choices we make to ourselves.

We all have the power to shift the quality of our life with one choice. Deciding is key.  And living with the consequences of our decisions is just as powerful. 

The great challenge of every human being is to go from the love of power in the physical world because getting stuck in the physical world becomes our safety net, and if we transition we see there is no safety in money or with status or with health because everything changes in the blink of an eye. 

One thing to ask yourself is how much are you willing to negotiate with yourself thinking you’ve arrived at “safety.”

No human being can do that… none of us are immune to adversity. We saw this during the pandemic when some stupid people believed by not wearing a mask their politics would save them and would make them immune to illness.

In reality, everything that keeps us well are the things we cannot see such as love, compassion, courage, and endurance. The things we value most such as trust, faith, loyalty, grace, creativity, and inspiration, we also cannot see.

These are the substances of the life force.

This is what keeps us alive, not our stuff, but our soul.

And if those were taken away from us, we would die, disintegrate, and evaporate into depression and would not revive.

One choice that we make can reverse our lives and empower us.

To gain our power back we increase the throttle and speed of how we comprehend things.  It initially scares us as it connects us to life, the laws of the Universe, and our higher power. It’s then we stop looking at another by their actions or the package they come in but we witness the soul of another.

If we dig deep and explore the relationship we have with the dynamic forces of creation (that can be achieved through meditation or prayer and humility) we seek the means to understand our life as a participant in a collective – a personal – and sacred contract with the creative laws of the universe.

To conclude, I chose the Michael Jackson song because of its lyrics are introspective and thought-provoking exploring the idea that change begins with you, and the Madonna song because it is both personal and political and the pressure young women often face to conform to societal norms.

Would you like to share your thoughts? I’m open to listening.



Jul 07, 2024

Linda, I have been reflecting the last couple of days on your soulful reflections.

Cleaning out the clutter around oneself, like things no longer needed or ridding oneself of people who seek unending attention, the mental clutter including our need to control or rejecting false narratives given to us by others, and the emotional attachment to memories that we endlessly replay in our minds.

Things carry memories and that is the hardest part for me. I suppose that is why some things are so painful to get rid of. More often than not, when I get rid of things I latter realize that I also shed myself of not so great memories as well.

There is a joy to an…

 linda laroche
linda laroche
Jul 07, 2024
Replying to

Hello Mike,

Many profound statements are included here. I resonated with "ridding oneself of people who seek unending attention," it becomes a drain and we have to ask ourselves why and let go.

As people mature often what is needed is gifting and discarding possessions otherwise someone else will inherit stuff that may mean "junk" for the new owner.

I know a few people who continue to acquire and feel they need more space to house their "stuff." After my recent experience it has given me the ability to step back and ask myself with each purchase, "is this a need or is it a desire," and if it's a desire where is it rooted from?

The more materialistic the…


Lynette R.
Lynette R.
Jul 04, 2024

I had to search my beliefs to see where my sense of value stemmed.  My first definition was gifted to me from birth when I was named Lynette, which gave my parents ownership.  A label of ownership that was defined by their learned perception and belief systems.  We then learned to label experiences, people, and things.  It's hard to let go of things because they are our memories.  Memories with time cause our memory to diminish slowly.  Holding on to the past that we will never revisit physically, but it is always housed in our soul.  The labels formed our reality.  Reminded us of what we should value, and helped us to remember what love felt like etc..  When we purge physical possession or emotional baggage it feels like…


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