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Creating Buzz

Writer:  linda laroche linda laroche

Every time I’m in Sprouts or Whole Foods I see pictures of Taylor Swift gracing magazine covers and I just don’t get it. Apparently, she has different gifts as a songwriter, both at the macro level, how the song tells a story or presents an attitude, (This is from the song Betty: If I told you it was just a summer thing, I'm only seventeen. I don't know anything but I know I miss you). And at the micro level, how the vowels and consonants fit together, and she’s able to exercise that range, along with quite a few melodic gifts, and in a way that does not make her seem highbrow or alienate potential audience members.

Personally, the sound of her voice does not impress me. I find it average just like her girl next door looks. I would say (my opinion only) that harmonically she’s not interesting. She sings pretty normal pop chord progressions and pretty standard varieties of pop arrangement. Even the chord progressions in her songs are easily recognizable. A plus for Gen Z who likes basics.

I found out that Taylor is a good businesswoman. That doesn’t surprise me either. As I see it, Generation Z doesn’t know how to analyze, how to think independently, how to be social, nor are they able to intellectualize,  give or take directions, how to do math in their head, how to spell, how to write cursive, how to compose a written sentence, how to read a map, nor do they know what a book is. Still, they are governed by the lower three chakras and sure as hell know how to monopolize on gimmicks, make money, and increase streams of revenue.

I know I’m going to get a lot of irate responses, especially from parents, because no one likes being told the truth about their child’s faulty education.

Back to Taylor…her lyrics speak public facts about her life and that has a big appeal because her audience wants to emotionally bond and live vicariously through her. People become proponents of fandom and they yearn to worship and put “celebrities” on a pedestal.

But music just like any other Art form is a question of taste.

The most positive thing I can say about her is that she has been an advocate, shining a light on management contracts, and that ultimately empowers other up-and-coming artists.

So now that I’ve told you I find Taylor bland, I will share contemporaries who I like.

Both artists have husky, earthy sexy voices that have range, give me goosebumps, and plunge me into a raw feeling.  The kind of feeling that music is supposed to draw you into. That’s passion! They are Miley Cyrus and Adele.

Who are your favorites and why?




Mar 31, 2024

Salty! Don’t hold back, Linda!

Gen Zers will grow up, too.


Mar 30, 2024

I agree with you about Taylor swift. I do have a 10 year old granddaughter that thinks she'sthe best ever. She tells me that i should listen to her on vinyl. She says it makes her sound really good. She said its not the same on digital. She wants all of her recordings and Olivia Rodrigo in vinyl. Is it the vinyl??


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