"As above, so below." Legend has it that these words belong to the great mystic, philosopher, astrologer, and prophet Hermes Trismegistus, who lived in ancient times long before the birth of Jesus Christ. According to his teachings, everything from atoms to molecules, worlds and universes, is in harmony and agreement. Everything is governed by one law. And this is confirmed by modern scientific discoveries. For instance, recent studies found that galaxies in the universe form a structure resembling that of a living tissue cell. The atomic model repeats itself in the morphology of the solar system, and examples of such analogies are countless.
The basis of astrology is the law of correspondence. So if the planet's positioning is unfavorable, it will negatively influence events on Earth. And a person born at a certain moment of time during certain planetary placements possesses the full energy potential of that time and those planets. This determines the person's personality, and according to astrological theory, destiny is the development of personality across the life course.
Time course can vary; it can be both smooth and challenging. Astrology is the only doctrine that can determine the quality of time. There is simply no other way of finding it out.
Calendars available today were the first, rather uncomplicated, predictions. They are all based on planetary cycles. Western nations follow a solar calendar and eastern nations a lunar cycle. With that, today that we know the exact date, year, and day of the week. However, the ancient people had to measure time, for which they turned to the sky.
The world was full of chaos and accidents, and only the sky offered harmony and order. The Sun rose and set recurrently, and the moon appeared at regular intervals. Other planets moved in a precise rhythmic motion.
This led to the first predictions, such as calendars, which guided people's daily lives, times of sowing and harvesting, hunting and provided temporal understanding to people. It was impossible to survive without organizing time.
The first horoscopes were created for rulers, kings, and those of influence. Ordinary mortals could not have their own horoscope simply because they did not have a watch and most often did not even know the year of their birth.
Horoscopes were the privilege of the elite. Initially, astrology was studied in monasteries and various religious institutions, while the nobility schemed and fought wars, and the common people did not have the opportunity to study. Then, astrology began to be taught in schools and was considered mandatory for scientists.
In the past, astrology and astronomy were not separate doctrines, and all the famous astronomers of that time were excellent astrologers. The examples are well known and include Pythagoras, the great ancient Greek philosopher, and astrologer, Albert the Great, a lecturer at the University of Paris and Cologne, Nicolaus Copernicus, Polish astronomer and astrologer, creator of the heliocentrism, Galileo Galilei, an Italian astronomer and astrologer, Johannes Kepler one of the most renowned scientists of his time, who discovered the laws of planetary motion and many others.
Doctors were also required to know astrology. The famous Hippocrates once said, "A doctor who does not know astrology is more of a fool than a doctor!" Recognized doctors such as the reputed seer Michel de Notredame, Paracelsus, and everyone who was allowed to practice medicine had a perspicacious knowledge of astrology.
Many prominent scholars studied astrology, including Isaac Newton, President of the Royal Society of London. Few people know that Newton made his main discoveries in physics before the age of 25, and the rest of his life was devoted to studying astrology, alchemy, theology, and deciphering biblical prophecies. In 1704 Newton wrote on a piece of paper 2060 as the date of the end of the world. We will just have to wait and see.
Albert Einstein also studied astrology. He said, "Astrology is a science in itself and contains an illuminating body of knowledge. It taught me many things, and I am greatly indebted to it".
Writers and poets did not shy away from astrology either. Johann Goethe, a German writer and naturalist, together with Schiller, developed the astrological diagram, "The Rose of Temperaments."
In the East, astrology was considered one of the most sacred sciences, which was studied by scientists, poets, and rulers. The renowned poet Omar Khayyam wrote many astrological works that enjoyed great demand.
Contemporary astrologers work with everyone who wants to get a personalized horoscope, thanks to computer programs that perform complex mathematical calculations, the compilation of a horoscope is greatly simplified.
Unlike a psychologist, an astrologer does not need to ask the client any questions. He only needs an exact time of birth to be able to tell everything about that person. This is particularly important for parents who want the astrologer to determine the child's talents and advise the best activity to engage the child in.
Therefore, the work of an astrologer is not only a prediction; it is also a type of psychological support.
Astrology, which has served mankind for centuries, is under pressure from a skeptical society, and there is no explanation for this. Religion, even though amplifying astrology, considers it a sin. Scientists, who have forgotten the precepts of their great predecessors, are now also quite skeptical about this science.
It will not always be like this, however. Now we are all witnessing a really transformational moment. A transition to a new era, the Age of Aquarius, brings a significant change in values, and people's treatment of one another. So, if the main value of this time is money and many judge a person solely based on his financial wealth, the Age of Aquarius will shift that thought.
Aquarius brings totally different energy. It's bold, direct, creative, and joyful. It validates the triumph of thought and spirit rather than the power of money. The value lies in the person himself, his spiritual potential, and things he can offer to society.
The change of epochs, the change of energies is always associated with turbulent global developments, civilization crises, a revolution in the economy, culture, new views on religious teachings, and change in relationships between the people.
The slogan of this Epoch is Equality, Happiness, and Brotherhood on the planet. People's true core values will be measured by their spiritual development. The Age of Aquarius will rightfully place astrology as the spiritual science, which explains so much in our life, among other disciplines.
Change is inevitable as we have witnessed by the Pandemic. They happen with or without our consent. The question now remains are you ready to embrace the change that the Age of Aquarius brings?
Linda, I love ya, I'm in . Bring
it. 😘 . be the change, together we can make changes. It's all good with me.