I don’t watch the news every day. It’s too toxic for my taste. And in my opinion, anyone who does risks being cynical and stuck in their personas.
If anything significant happens in the world, I'll hear about it.
A man I know found it incredulous that I didn’t know about Trump getting shot until after 6 pm that day.
And when I heard the news I didn’t care.
The informant was the same person who called me twenty-three years ago to share the attack on the World Trade Center. I immediately turned on my television and a few days later gave blood. That event deserved my attention.
I watched the first hour of the debate this week, then had to walk Coco. After half an hour when I heard babies being exterminated, I wanted to turn it off. But I hung on. I can’t tolerate lies being spewed out assuming listeners don’t know history, understand government, have a rebuttal and, that old systems work when they don’t.
Why am I bringing this up? I’m going to give you my ideas on why I believe our country has outgrown old paradigms.
As humans, we currently live in a 3D reality. 3D doesn’t extend much beyond the material realm. It’s dense, fast-paced, and focused on external achievement. The 3D emphasizes physical appearance, monetary success, the hustle-bustle mentality, and every man or woman out for themselves.
3D creates the illusion of separation. It forces us to see ourselves as individuals moving through life randomly rather than sparks of the same Divine source.
Our 3D consciousness has worked for a long time. Particularly before major advances in machinery, agriculture, technology, medicine, and science – when meeting our basic needs was a constant daily struggle – we had no choice but to exist almost solely in the material realm. Mere survival was at the pinnacle of all we were.
In 2020 we had the Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn. The two planets appeared closer together than they had been in 800 years. It shook things up, politically, socially, and in our everyday lives. This influence has and will continue to have a ripple effect for decades to come.
In early 2024, we had Pluto enter Aquarius, which marks the beginning of a new era and a time for transformation. Pluto’s presence will affect the masses into action, perhaps disruptive and they will understand what systems failed them. The last time this alignment happened the French Revolution and the Irish uprising took place.
This reshaped people’s views and signifies egalitarianism, power of the people, scientific advancement, and working synergistically rather than against the earth.
We can see this happening in current events – there has been a huge outcry for justice and movements to end oppression, and separation, and to dismantle systems that perpetuated separation.
Although we still have many who struggle to survive, we are ready and accepting to see everyone – including our marginalized brothers and sisters thrive.
Astronomical events are shifting the earth’s energy calling for us to raise our collective vibration and reimagine the world from the higher perspectives of love and unity. This Is 5th Dimensional Consciousness.
In 5D, there is oneness rather than separation, love rather than fear, and the energetic vibration is more prevalent than the physical one.
5th dimensional consciousness sees no stranger. 5th dimensional consciousness remembers that we are all cut from the same cloth – Source, God, The Light, Universe, and Spirit – and that we are infinitely powerful souls wrapped in a body. 5th dimensional consciousness sees no hierarchy in humanity only Love.
So how does 5D show up in the world?
You might be thinking that the current state of our world seems very far away from 5D. It’s true; there is separation, hate, so-called leaders pointing fingers, corruption, greed, deceit and darkness all around us.
The election is a last-ditch effort for the 3D to survive. It’s similar to the way the ego tries to hold us back from hearing our inner wisdom. The ego tries to keep us small because stepping into our light and power is unfamiliar and therefore scary.
As more advanced-minded people seek Divine connection, we have light workers leading the collective forward. Together, we can embody the 5D consciousness by advocating for unity, building each other up with kindness and compassion, reimagining and reinventing structures that no longer serve us, cultivating oneness with Mother Earth, and working towards living in flow rather than friction.
Examples would be getting involved in racial justice causes, holding space for those who are grieving, going out of your way to empower women and marginalized folks, giving canned food, becoming a vegetarian, and practicing kindness by handing that homeless person a bottle of water or a five dollar bill.
This influence makes us assume responsibility. We need to question and examine whether the institutions we are a part of act on love and unity or fear, division or complacency.
By taking care of the environment, and using our spiritual practices we move through the world from a heart-centered place.
In 5D our inner power is known and is used to share, see others as an extension of self, set clear boundaries, self-respect, and live in flow with the Universe.
In short, any action taken to raise your vibration and align yourself with your Divine nature is a step towards 5th-dimensional consciousness.
How can we start embodying it right now?
We can start embodying 5D consciousness by committing to our spiritual and human practices and applying them to our daily lives. It’s time to see our spirituality and our work, family, and personal lives as a unit rather than separate facets of our lives.
Spirituality isn’t a hobby. You’re not going to find it by going to a place once a week and passively sitting in the audience.
It’s an inner remembrance of the Divinity that we inherently are.
I have my practices that keep me centered and remind me of who I am underneath all the external noise.
Your practice might include connection with nature, Reiki, breath-work, volunteering, a need for personal growth, donating money, and self-care. The possibilities are endless.
When we start to embody wisdom that we glean from our spiritual practices, we not only raise our vibration, but we raise the vibration of the collective. We get into a vibrational space and discover that which isn’t serving us begins to naturally fall away. Getting to the 5D consciousness involves shadow work. It’s not for the faint-hearted.
We set ourselves up to shed the things in our lives that are not right for us – to be truthful, authentic, with peace in our hearts. We shed the fear, shame and social conditioning that is holding us back from embodying our true power.
So, are you ready to step out of your comfort zone, claim your power and begin consciously elevating yourself into your multi-dimnsional nature?
Hi Linda,
This is such a powerful piece. I thoroughly related to everything you mentioned and so very much appreciated your take on the new paradigm that society needs to conceive, birth, and nurture. The 5D that you spoke about is exactly what I believe humans globally need to embrace and act upon. Thank you for the richness of your trained mind and open heartedness. This piece really struck a similar cord in both my psyche and soma. Thank you again.
Always your friend and supporter, Alice
Founder/Director: Yogatsu Institute
*Readers, I placed this comment because Alice wasn't able to, tech problems with this site. I added her business name in the event you are interested in following her monthly…