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Third Reich Reinvented

Writer:  linda laroche linda laroche

Updated: Jun 19, 2020

“A free society must agree to a little more than the proposition that we should keep talking. We must make sure that everybody who has anything to say can say it. The essential freedom is freedom of speech — the freedom to criticize, to talk back. And of course, the essential responsibility is to think.”

Robert Maynard Hutchins, an educational Philosopher wrote these words at a time when the United States, the world’s beacon of individual liberty, was not in a free place. World War II had just ended, only to be swiftly replaced by a Cold one between opposing worldviews; communism and capitalism.

Transatlantic tensions between the Soviet Union and the United States had its impact at home as well: Anti-communism dominated America. Conservative politicians and pressure groups set the tone, while the media disseminated it. Whoever expressed even slightly divergent opinions was labeled a traitor.

Then the witch hunts instigated a series of draconian measures to get rid of communists. Support of communism became a felony, communists were barred from public office, and all public employees were required to take a non-communist pledge.

An investigation began with individuals, publications, and organizations suspected of penetrating and indoctrinating the people with communist ideology. At the epitome of this frenzy, was anyone with dubious political views. They were labeled 'Un-American.'

I’ve maintained that in order to know politics one must know history since it repeats itself. Many in today’s culture are foolish not to learn anything before their birth. Learning should go on for a lifetime. It does not mean what you are fed in school. We only skimmed the surface of communism when I was in school. It was my curiosity that led me to learn more.

What I currently see is history repeating itself. Trump supporters are no different than the conservative politicians of the witch hunts that believed by enforcing their will on others they would bully them into submission. That’s as stupid as beating a child to punish for bad behavior.

More can be accomplished through positive reinforcement and communication. The question is: are you educated or intelligent enough to see beyond what lies in front of you?

I never took to social media but was told to get on it to build a platform. I did it, only using it to upload my blog posts because I did not need the exposure nor do I have the curiosity to see how other people live. I’d rather live my own life. Social media is actually anti-social and it makes viewers feel that their own life is inadequate.

I continued on LinkedIn because of its professional tone, although I can see that it too has become polluted.

My comments get many views but no responses. They are out of alignment with everyday thinking. I think for myself. I do not follow the complaining crowd or parrot another’s words, I see what others miss.

Here is my recent post after watching Sunday’s news; I got 187 views and not one comment:

The word education stems from the Latin and means "to bring out." Our current system breeds narcissists and psychopaths. Nothing happens by accident. Everything happens for a reason. This is a great awakening. Don't be part of the toxicity. It's time to wake up; we are part of humanity, where there are no colors, no nationalities, and no countries. Do better. Live to change the way people think. Uplift and inspire.

We are a country of immigrants and to believe that it can revert back to a predominately white culture is a fantasy.

The white population has declined along with the nuclear family. People of color dominate the world. Voting for a racist is not going to change that fact.

Let’s look at history. Eurocentric history consistently ignores the achievements of people of color, while attributing the advancement of humankind to the ancient Greeks, the Romans, British, and other European peoples.

In the distant past, a number of ancient civilizations existed on Earth with incredible technologies ranging from Astronomy, Biology, Chemistry, and Engineering, Numerous ancient cultures had amazing knowledge thousands of years ago which we have not managed to understand, despite a great effort by mainstream scholars.

These people were Egyptians, Mayans, Indus, Carals, and Tiahuanco. That points to people of color inventing the modern world.

Their advances and contribution have been suppressed and ignored while the Greeks, the Romans, British and other European peoples such as Aristotle, Isaac Newton, and Leonardo DaVinci are deemed pioneers of human progress.

Why has this happened? Look at the Master-Slave archetype. It’s what the United States was based on. It is prevalent in the American psyche and has never been reconciled. The repression began with the Native Americans, then the African-Americans, Mexican-Americans, Chinese Americans, and then Japanese Americans. It usually involved nefarious methods to steal their land. Land that was once theirs that we now claim as our own. But let's focus on the African experience who were brought here as Slaves.

The Master has to suppress in order to feel he’s gaining an advantage over the other. The Master robs the Slave’s personal power and dignity by molding him through aggression until the Slave believes he is a victim and loses all sense of self.

If the Slave has never developed a relationship with self, they cannot think independently and have no idea what is truth. They become passive and blame others.

The Master conquers through fear. Under his rough façade is deep-rooted insecurity, but his militant thinking makes an all-out effort to win at all costs; he achieves this by forcefulness. He hates what he fears within himself. This is our current Commander-In-Chief.

This dynamic played out in the death of George Floyd by the police officer. And it’s what our government is trying to do to us now; to rob of us of our power and control us by force.

Every moment that we are alive is an opportunity to ask ourselves; do we want to be part of the problem or part of the solution?

What we need for a resolution is to go into deep reflection and look at our views on power. We don’t have to be better than someone else in order to feel special. Our highest potential is not to make others feel small or to feel superior to them.

Putting people on trial will not solve the problem. Neither will a curfew or any facet of legislation. No matter how repressive.

First and foremost Americans we have to stop thinking in polarities. This way of thinking; ‘I must control you before you control me’, is the bondage of the unconscious mind.

The Master has to acknowledge what he has been done. It doesn’t change anything but it often makes the Slave feel that they are being understood. Listen to the hurt that lies within the Slave without judgment. Empower a situation instead of needing more power. This is not going to make a Master weak but it makes them human. Find a common ground between you and the Slave. Have a purpose for your life that’s not rooted in martyrdom but in selflessness. Learn to use your words instead of your fists.

The Slave needs to forgive their violation. Not for their oppressor but for their sake, to allow themselves to heal. They should not forget their past. All transformation begins with self-awareness. Ask yourself this important question; what do I want? You are the Master of your own life. You cannot be controlled by another. Gain mastery over the self; connect to your own wisdom. Make a commitment to yourself that you have the power and the resolve in the face of opposition and keep going.

Now more than ever before, every human act of kindness, every act of goodness, matters, and turn yourself into an agent of change. You are alive to witness all that has happened and ask yourself what I can contribute. When you think about giving instead of taking, a new world opens up for you. Be grateful for it.




Excellent, excellent, Linda. You expressed exactly what I have been thinking and feeling. Good article. Also, I am suspecting that people read your words however, don't bother commenting because they are "too busy," which is also part of our societal issues. Keep writing.




In Matthew 26, they didn't want to crucify Jeuse. Chris,on the pass over because,they feared the people would Riot. We haven't learned very much.


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