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Time of the Season

Writer:  linda laroche linda laroche

We are currently in Mercury Retrograde. I take an interest; in having this configuration in my natal chart, so what does it mean?


Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun and Mercury retrograde is an optical illusion that occurs three or four times a year, making the planet appear to move in the opposite direction than it usually does.


Some people who view things on the surface level believe this is a time of doom and gloom.  But have you ever watched the clock go backward? It does at the speed of lightning.  So maybe Mercury retrograde speeds things and moves to the beat of its own drum.


Does anyone remember the book, Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain? It’s a transformative book on creativity and one of the exercises for those who have been bogged down in analytical thinking is to draw placing an image before them and copy it upside down.  You’ll be amazed at the results.


Here are some of the themes you could experience with this Inverse Cycle in your Natal Chart:

When it comes to being outgoing, most people with this particular Retrograde can be introverted; although others believe they are extroverts there is a chance for some to become ambiverts. A much smaller percentage of them convert into extroverts.

It causes one to be more in touch with their intuition and gut instincts, which is not Mercury's style and not part of the extrovert persona.

People might have difficulty assimilating to what's considered the "Norm," which could cause them to be deemed unique, on the fringes, or statistically an outlier.

Because these individuals are more profound thinkers, they could find themselves going over things in their head, which causes them to go on a loop and ruminate about something that makes them feel uncomfortable.

At times you could feel like it's hard getting the words out the way you're thinking about it in your head.

Your sense of humor is offbeat and sometimes more vivid than others

It's a good idea to give yourself more time to read things thoroughly and take a moment to complete a task because your imagination kicks in and could make you the spacey type. So when it comes to documents, writing, and other work, you could find yourself going over it again. I'll insert a tidbit from Prince, the artist with Mercury R, he changed his name, and changed it back again

Blind spots are something to be aware of because they could fog your judgment regarding others or your behavior. Another tidbit: Monica Lewinsky has Mercury R, what was she thinking when she kept that blue dress?

Sometimes you could come off wrong to others because they jump to conclusions, mete out punishment because of their ignorance, and your views and communication style is on a different level. You'll know instinctively what's going on.

Verbal cues, reading the room, and overall how you take in data can give you an overload.  In other words, how you receive, information could be different than others.

Seeing things from a different perspective than others could make you something of a genius

Your communication style could seem quirky until people get to know you

People born with Mercury Retrograde in the Natal Chart can be ultra-talented when it comes to writing, music, singing, poetry, math, marketing, becoming excellent public speakers, and anything techy.



 linda laroche
linda laroche
Aug 09, 2024

This is from Martin Zaidman

You should have a astrolgy section  in the l.a times or portion on the news with positive outcomes👍

 linda laroche
linda laroche
Aug 09, 2024
Replying to

Thank you, but the L.A.Times is on its last leg

No one reads papers anymore, especially features which was my specialty.

It’s all digital and astrology like theater, book and film reviews take a back seat

The audience wants hard news, angry political rhetoric 


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