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Yin or Yang

Writer:  linda laroche linda laroche

Updated: Nov 21, 2023

Some time ago I mentioned that I was going to write about men and women. That post is still ruminating in my mind, but today I wanted to add these insights about feminine and masculine polarities and power.

So if you have comments to add, do so here in the blog, not in a text to me. I’ve heard there are problems signing in, you can sign in as a Guest and add your name at the bottom.

Many spiritual teachers, yogis, and mystics in history realized that the human experience here on earth is the only form of heaven that matters. And they were motivated to wake the world up to that truth. But they didn’t do this by being feeble-mannered pacifists. They didn’t do this by staying quiet or looking the other way. Yes, they promoted peace. But they were fiercely passionate about shaking things up, disrupting the status quo, and scaling higher consciousness.

You don’t have to be a yogi or a world leader to be conscious about playing the game of life.

As I see it, if you don’t look within then what the hell are you doing with your life? By being unconscious you’re living like an animal; consuming, procreating, and playing.

Some men will remark that they are working. And women don’t? A lame excuse. Some of the most remarkable men in history such as Abraham Lincoln, Benjamin Franklin, and Shakespeare paid tribute to their inner lives and it motivated them to achieve more and be a greater success.

In fact, when men don’t delve into their interior they remain immature because they don’t grow. I have met average Joe’s who never make a decision, seek someone else’s advice, groan about life, their health, and finances, and desperately need approval from a woman to form an opinion because they don’t know what they want and they don’t know who they are.

Last week I had a birthday. I was invited to three (actually 4 celebrations) but 3 of them men were present. I saw a different kind of man, one who was on the path to self-actualization.

They’re out there. There just aren’t enough of them.

Some call it being in their feminine power, I say that’s the wrong term, it is awareness.

Yet both men and women are equipped with feminine and masculine energy within them.

A feminine woman is independent and strong, connected to her truth, relaxed in her being, and confident in her purpose.

She knows her self-worth, is unwavering in her word, and follows her intuition to help lead her through her life’s path.

Men are deeply attracted to this kind of woman.

An unfeminine or masculine woman dominates her man, tells him what to do, controls when he should do it, and nags when he doesn’t essentially becoming his second mother. Instead of holding her in high regard as he does his mother, he grows tired of her voice. In her ignorance the ballbuster masterminds a sexless union.

A real man is connected to his masculine power. He has a sense of reality, stands behind his principles, and has a clear purpose in his life.

He takes responsibility and commits. He knows his path and will follow his purpose, with or without a crowd to support him. He is a true alpha. He is the leader of his destiny.

Women are very attracted to this type of man,

Ladies, if you want to attract this type of man into your life, it means you must not be this type of man. If you take up the masculine energy, you will repeatedly attract powerless men or you will push him into the feminine energy. And you will have a baby on your hands and will resent him.

A man ruled by his feminine power seeks to get rather than to give. They manipulate and remain silent and secretive as a form of fear and domination. They are in essence little girls.

A question any man should ask themselves who seeks one woman in his life, is what do you do for her? If you want to be with her, you have to offer her something. This is true since the beginning of time. Even in ancient kingdoms, no man had a wife until he did something to prove himself worthy. He had to complete a rite of passage, build a hut, and catch some type of animal to feed the both of them, becoming the provider. And when enemies loomed he protected her. A man remains in his masculine power when he is doing or taking action. That means he is initiating, taking a leadership role, asserts confidence, and is supportive, capable of giving and expanding.

He’s not only doing this for her, he’s doing it for them.

But whatever energy we embody, we all came here to experience cosmic consciousness and embrace our full potential, in doing so we have the opportunity to live a more authentic life.

Hold on… there is more; two songs today to uplift you!



Oct 27, 2023

Very insightful. I am thinking about what you said over and over again. I am relating it to my experiences and to that of my friends and clients. I hope I can be like one of the men at your birthday party!

Mike S. Burbank Ca.

 linda laroche
linda laroche
Oct 27, 2023
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You are indeed. See you and the lovely Mrs. Claus tonight.


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 linda laroche
linda laroche
Oct 27, 2023
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Thanks for joining me here


Oct 27, 2023

Hi Linda, good points. However, you forgot to include Barack Hussein Obama on your most remarkable men in history list.

 linda laroche
linda laroche
Oct 27, 2023
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A general rule in articles as in a blog post, is to include 3. It's impossible to include everyone, that would read like a scroll. I think the points take precedence over technicalities.

Thanks for reading.


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